O que significa 33 Immortals Gameplay?

O que significa 33 Immortals Gameplay?

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Find true strength in numbers. Optimize your skills and tactics to bolster your 33-player team, and tip the odds in your favor through powerful cooperative moves.

, and though I am ecstatic to see it finally released to the public, my first impression of the game had left me confused. Like all players, I spawned somewhere in Inferno, immediately thrown into a chaotic battle as Beatrice, the guide, instructed me on the basics of combat—though you won’t survive that first run.

Nous avons eu l’occasion do tester pendant quelques heures cet infernal mélange en avance en compagnie por confrères et des dé especialmenteveloppeurs du jeu, et voici donc nos premières impressions à son sujet. Sommaire

In the first part of this game, conquering Hell is an exercise in structure. Your goal is to defeat Lucifer, the “boss” of Inferno, but first you must work with other players to unlock an Ascension Battle just to reach him. How do you do that? Glad you asked: You must complete 12 Torture Chambers, mini raids where you are grouped up with up to six players to battle multiple waves of monsters.

A unique boss duo awaits at the end of Purgatory too, while the upcoming dungeon set in heaven should deliver the final fight against God for those who are worthy.

This multi-tiered approach to finishing your roguelike “run” is challenging, yet very fun to play with — even though I only managed to complete just three Torture Chambers before succumbing to the elements (aka ‘ripped apart by monsters’). As I would learn during repeated runs – it seems the number of completed Torture Chambers is retained should you die and reenter Inferno — the larger the group of fellow Souls I traveled with, the larger my chances of survival became – and you can imagine how much bigger those chances get with 32 other people on your side.

In the heat of combat, with swarms of demons flooding the immediate area, it’s actually tricky to get three people to stand in the proper spots, but it takes just a moment of synchrony for the special ability to activate, and it’s a palpable relief every time. And then everyone immediately gets back to hurling spells, shooting arrows, flinging daggers and reviving allies, eyes peeled for the next special ability.

That Dark Woods safe haven I mentioned is where weapons are chosen, perks are wished for, and upgrades are purchased using loot from previous runs. At the early access launch, the title has four weapons to choose from: sword, bow, daggers, and staff, each offering a different play styles, movesets, and powers. After trying out the sword’s heavy slashes and blocks, the staff’s AOE blasts, and the dagger’s unrelenting aggressiveness, the bow was what I clicked with.

If you combine elements from all that into one game, you will get something like what Thunder Lotus has cooked up with 33 Immortals.

Complete these to earn a variety of helpful loot and resources that you can then put into your character, increasing your odds of success as you proceed to tackle the next Torture Chamber, and then the one after that, and so forth.

The studio is already teasing a third gate for runs that will take place in a heavenly land, but this is slated to arrive later in 2025.

However, at the moment, the tutorial is weak, leaving you to figure many things out on your own like the crucial Empathy mechanic. The movement and combat initially feel sluggish 33 Immortals Gameplay compared to other roguelike games, which may be frustrating for those expecting a similarly fluid experience.

Play a damned soul, and rebel against God's final judgment. Pick-up and raid, cooperate to survive hordes of monsters, defeat massive bosses, and face the wrath of God in a fight for your eternal life. Join the rebellion

A perk that reduces the cooldown of the dash by one second was one of my absolute favorites to randomly find, this made the game feel more agile and reactive, where I can be an aggressive force in the battlefield instead of being on the defensive so much and saving my dodge for later. Instances where I had this perk was also when I progressed the furthest in the final boss fight. Going back to the standard 2 second dodge cooldown in later runs felt like such a downgrade, making the gameplay feel noticeably slower and less responsive compared to when I had the perk.

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